| |
service is no longer available on single panels due to the large amount of administrative
time required to process single orders.
Orders only based on minimum five
panels at a time.
Alarm panel unlocking services
If you are an alarm company in Eastern or Atlantic Canada, or
even an end user with a locked alarm panel, we can help.
Alarm companies:
Do you have locked alarm
boards sitting on your shelf left over from takeovers that you’d like to re-use
for service ?
Do you have older
locked DSC or Paradox boards that are now difficult to obtain from the factory ?
Would you like to be able
to do takeovers without the needless expense of installing a new board ?
Now there is a solution
I have at significant
cost in time and money built the custom equipment needed to unlock most models
of alarm panels for my own company use, and have now decided to make this
service available to reputable local alarm companies. At the moment, this
service is only available for DSC or Paradox panels.
Following are the
panels which can be unlocked 100% of the time:
DSC 5010 (Power 832) / 864
DSC 1555 / 1555MX
DSC Envoy
Paradox Esprit (all models and versions)
Paradox Magellan
Paradox Spectra
Paradox Digiplex
DSC 2550, 2525, 3000
DSC Maxsys
DSC 1500 / 1550
All of the newest Power series panels
(designed to replace the older 1555 and 5010 boards)
Note: DSC has recently
changed the board architecture which has resulting in new methods needing
to be discovered to unlock these boards. Please call before shipping either the
DSC 1616, DSC 1832, or Alexor panels to ensure we are able to unlock these new version
boards. At the moment, we can unlock about 75% of these boards; however, we
don't want to offer this service on these boards until we can guarantee 100%
$20 per board, plus GST ( 1 to 9 boards) |
 | Bulk
orders 10 or more boards, same order shipment, $15 each plus HST, customer
pays Purolator shipping both directions. |
Payment by cash or company cheque with order. Any overpayment will be
refunded with the
boards. |
Pickup and delivery in
the Ottawa area included for five or more boards at any one time |
charge if the board cannot be unlocked for any reason, or proves to be
defective* |
Boards once unlocked will
also be factory defaulted unless otherwise requested (minimum change,
installer code, password and accounts code set to factory) |
No destructive methods
are used, so boards are at no risk of damage. |
All boards will be invisibly marked for future
identification and tracking |

company cautions
Please note, only certain boards are worth unlocking since many boards cannot be
dialed in to with uploading software, thereby severely limiting their
For the DSC Classic series, only the 1550 (all versions except V3), all versions
of the 2550 and 3000 are worth spending money on. The older PC 1000's, 1500's,
2000, 2525 boards belong in the garbage. Keypads are interchangeable within
Any of the DSC Power series such as the 1555, 5010, 4020, Maxsys, are
definately worth unlocking.The 1575 belongs in the garbage. Keypads are
interchangeable within models. All of the newer series of panels are worth
All Paradox panels with chipsets older than version 2.0 should be disposed of.
Keypads for versions older than version 1.0 will ONLY work with the older
panels. Otherwise, all keypads are interchangeable within Esprit series boards.
The newer Spectra and Digiplex systems are modern products and worth unlocking.
Keypads are unique to model lines.

Please note:
 | Under no conditions will the existing
installer code be given out - NO EXCEPTIONS - so please don't ask! (in
many cases we don't even see it nor is it ours to give out) |
 | We do not sell alarm boards outright.
This is strictly an unlocking service for your boards. Please make
absolutely sure
you have tried the factory default reset function (see above), and that they
are actually locked before sending in for unlocking (quite common actually....) |
 | Due to past abuse by other alarm
companies who don't pay their bills, we do NOT send
out boards in advance of receiving yours, even after receipt of a deposit. |

to end user customers:
All alarm panels are normally programmed
such that no one may re-enter programming mode without knowing the specific
installer code of the last company. Alarm panels can also be "locked" in
programming such that they are prevented from being hardware defaulted back to
factory specifications. This effectively makes them useless to the next company
or to the lawful end user owner of the board unless you know the previous
installer code...(yes, I know....it's a scummy practice that ought to be against
the law, when you own the board and the alarm company locks you out, effectively
preventing you from re-using YOUR equipment!!) |
This unlocking service is also available to
end users in Eastern Canada by mail. Send me your locked board, along with $20
per board by personal cheque
or money order, plus $7 for return shipping for each board (I will refund the excess
shipping along with your boards if there is any). Boards
will be unlocked, defaulted back to factory specifications, and shipped back to you by regular
mail. At that point, all programming is identical to factory new condition.
Please let me know if you wish programming sheets shipped back with the return
board, or a CD containing the PDF file of the programming. |
Please ensure the shipping container is adequate in strength for shipping
both directions and that all packages are fully insured. The shipping address is
as follows, payment made out to "R.H.Campbell". I will include a bill and
receipt in the return package. Please don't forget to include full return
address and a contact number. |
Home Security Metal Products, 2316 Nerta Street, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1G 1E5
Please also note the following points:
You must own the board outright, and there must be no alarm
company contract currently in force governing ownership of this board.
In most cases I will go on the honour system; however, I
reserve the right to ask for proof of clear ownership if I feel it is necessary |

For the same unlocking service for US customers contact:
For the same unlocking service for Western Canadian customers

to tell if a board is locked*
Power the board down totally, temporarily disconnect the horn, power up with AC.
Listen for a series of about 10 rapid clicks, which indicates the board is
indeed locked. If there are no clicks, proceed to unlock according to factory
instructions *
Classic series (1550, 2550, 3000)
- Power down, put on reset jumper,
power up with AC, wait 30 seconds, then remover jumper. System should be back to
factory (all zone lights lit)
Power series (1555, 5010) - Power
down, connect a jumper from PGM 1 to zone 1, power up with AC, wait 30
seconds or until Zone 1 lights on the keypad, then remove connections and
proceed. *Please
note carefully: If you do default a DSC panel that is locked, all settings will
go back to factory, EXCEPT the installer code, making the board totally useless,
so be careful !! Paradox Power
down, put on reset jumper, power up with AC, wait a full 30 seconds, then remove
jumper. Panel should now be back to factory specs (all zone lights lit) Note:
There is no harm in trying to default ANY Paradox panel. If locked, nothing
happens and no previous settings are affected.

The ability to permanently lock a board against further use by other than
the original installing company is something that has NO redeeming
security value whatsoever. Originally designed to protect against early
theft of "free system" installations by other marauding
alarmco's, it has NO continuing value since most boards can be replaced today
for around $50 wholesale - no real barrier to hostile takeovers ! However,
it's continued use and misuse by companies (aided and abetted by greedy
alarm manufacturers who see every locked board as another new board sale)
only serves more often than not to continue to lock legitimate homeowners
out of reuse of their private property (this is akin to selling someone a
car, and putting a permanent padlock on the hood !!) Changing the installer code is sufficient to protect any proprietary
information contained in the panel and is something every alarmco does as
a matter of course. Further locking the board against reuse by someone
else is simply WRONG !!
We will continue to unlock boards for clients strictly as a service to
them (usually after an alarmco has tried to extort another long term
contract from the end user !!) Although we charge a nominal amount,
this is only to cover costs of the equipment needed to do this. This is
NOT a profit making enterprise. Manufacturers who continue to provide this feature in their panel should
be strongly condemned for encouraging unethical use of their boards !