This page contains the Table of
Contents for a lengthy article describing how to properly secure your premises against
break and enter. It gives many tips and hints on simple, no cost or low cost
ways to measurably improve your security without necessarily going to the cost of an alarm
system (certainly not as a first choice anyway). In the past, I have given out printed
copies of the whole article after public speeches, to ensure people had something to
remind them afterwards of what to do to secure their premises.
However, when or if you decide on electronic security, that
section of the article especially will teach you much you may not hear elsewhere !
This article has been revised many times over the past years in order to
keep it current, and to reflect the many things I have learned and continue to learn in
this business. The total article encompasses over 28 pages of typed text (113K).
To download the total contents of the Table of Contents below in
RTF format, to read it offline at your convenience, click on the button below. In
this format, it can be opened with the notepad that comes with Windows 95 /
98, or if you have
a word processor on your PC, you may open it in that program

Table of Contents
Basic Security - Simple no cost, common sense
rules to follow
Physical Security - Ways to effectively make
your home harder to get into
Electronic Security - How to shop for an alarm
system, secrets of the industry mass marketers, and other vital information necessary prior to purchase of an alarm system in this "buyer beware" market.
Auto security - Simple measures to help keep your
car in the driveway where it belongs!
Summary - my attempt to put things in proper
perspective for you before you spend money
Equipment Survey - a brief overview of
professional alarm hardware available
from suppliers today
How to shop - Some important pointers to help you
make your final decision.
Frequently asked questions - common questions about
alarm systems.
Prewiring - some suggestions on prewiring the
home during construction
Before you call Bell - things to do before
calling the telephone company with line troubles
This page
last updated
Thursday, August 14, 2008